Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Alan asked me one night when I was home why I didn't blog much...or at all...when I'm home. It isn't that I don't do lots of fun and interesting is more that I am so busy enjoying myself that I don't find time during the day to blog.
Outside of spending time with family and friends, one of my favorite parts about being in the US last month was enjoying all of the fabulous and fresh summer fruits and veggies. I just don't get those here because Singapore is a small island and land is a commodity which means there isn't much of it left for farming. We get tons of fresh fruit and vegetables here...but it just isn't the same as buying them from the farmer's market.
My first day back in NC last month Alan took me to the NC State Farmer's Market. Everything looked so pretty and smelled so delicious...and I was lucky enough that peaches were still in season...
I know that summer is nearing an end in the US and that a lot of crops are just about finished. However, if you have a local farmer's market near you go down and check out what they something and enjoy it a little bit for me. And when it gets to be September/October you'd better get yourself to an apple orchard...don't make me come back there... Read more...