
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When I'm in Asia I'm usually writing about new experiences.  When I come home I don't necessarily have new experiences but I have been living in Asia long enough to notice certain differences when I come back to the US.  I typically don't blog too much when I'm back in the US but am going to try and do better about it this time.  I think that pointing out the things that are probably common things to all of you but that now stick out a bit to me will give me a lot of opportunities to blog.

This past weekend Alan and I went grocery shopping.  This is a weekly errand that we all do.  I even do it in Asia.  The difference is the size of the grocery store and the variety of items that we have here.  The one aisle where this really stuck out was in the cereal aisle.  At our Harris Teeter store we have a super long aisle where one entire side is all cereal...100s of options.  In Singapore there are maybe 20-30 different cereals and that is in the largest store.  This was very noticeable to us when we were on the prowl for Rice Krispies last December. 

It makes sense that there are less cereal options in Asia because they don't have separate breakfast foods.  Most locals will eat noodles, sandwiches, or basically anything you would eat for another meal for breakfast.  I am personally of the opinion that food eaten in the morning should be breakfast food and that breakfast food should not be eaten for lunch or dinner.  Of course, on occasion having pancakes or Alan McMuffins (yummy egg dish that Alan makes me) for dinner is a nice treat but should not...I repeat...should not become common practice.

I wonder what people from Asia think when they turn onto the cereal aisle at the grocery store?  Are they excited about it?  Do they think it is odd that we have so many options for the morning meal?  Do Cocoa Puffs and Fruity Pebbles and Froot Loops look appetizing to them?

The next time you are at the grocery store take a minute to really appreciate all of the cereal options.  You might find yourself someday living someplace where you can't choose from so many choices.

And...you people haven't commented in AGES...so...audience participation time.  What are your thoughts on eating breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast?


Jetlag - 1, Kate - 0

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oh, the joys of traveling across the globe...for some reason I have decided it is important to be awake at 3 am EST the past two days.  Thankfully, this was after sleeping for about 5 hours each night and yesterday I was able to fall back asleep for a few hours...am hoping for the same today.  Although, instead of tossing and turning and being frustrated that I am awake I have learned it is best to just wake up and do something else for a bit.

This morning I have been flipping channels and enjoying the Australian Open.  So fun to have such a good sport to watch and LIVE!  Of course, next year I am hoping to attend the Australian Open in person with a few of my friends.  We're not sure how hard it will be to get tickets but we are going to try.

My first day back was fun.  I saw a lot of friends, played with my kitties, and hung out with Alan doing normal stuff like grocery shopping and errands.  I will hopefully be falling back asleep very soon...


Long trip home...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm finishing up my packing and will shortly be heading to the airport.  I'm headed from Singapore to Hong Kong to San Francisco (overnight stay) to Atlanta to Raleigh-Durham.  If all goes well I should be home in Durham around 6 pm Friday night.  I'm looking forward to catching up on some sleep on the flights and also watching a bunch of movies.

Next post from the US!


#3!!! - Cambodia catch-up

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I blogged last month about our trip to Siem Riep and to the temple of Angkor Wat but I didn't blog about one of the things that will stick with Alan and I for a long time. 

So, at all of the temples there would be an area where there were food stalls or souvenirs for sale.  In most Asian countries they do not wait for you to come up to the stalls but they have people (sometimes kids) that come to you and try to get you to come to their stall and buy whatever they are selling.  If you are new to the region it can be a bit overwhelming because they tend to keep talking to you as you are walking along even after you have said no...multiple times.  I always feel a bit bad ignoring them but if I don't want to buy something I'm not going to be guilted or bullied into it.  I do like to watch the reaction of different people because it ranges from laughing about it to general frustration to downright anger.  I tend to be on the earlier side of things and just sort of laugh about it.

The morning that we went to watch the sunrise at Angkor Wat we were approached on our way in by a handful of people.  It was pretty dark so we were more concerned with being able to see where we were going than in buying any food or souvenirs.  When you enter Angkor Wat there is a long walkway that leads you up to the main temple building.  Early on in our approach this girl...maybe 16 years old...came up and asked if we wanted coffee or breakfast.  We politely told her no and she told us her stall number if we changed our mind.  As we stood around waiting for the sun to rise we saw her sell a cup of coffee to a gal standing next to us.  Again, she asked if we wanted anything and we declined.  That was it.

We watched the sunrise, went back to the hotel and showered, and then went out touring the temples.  We toured them in reverse order of location to the city so our last stop was at Angkor Wat.  By this time it was about 2 or 3 pm in the afternoon and we were ready for a cold beer and some shade and relaxation.  We decided on the way in that we'd try and find the gal from the morning since she was so polite.  As we were walking up to the food stalls we were accosted by about 6-7 different people.  Alan and I just kept walking toward the food stalls trying to find stall #3 (that was our gal) when out of nowhere comes this girl bounding...literally sort of a cross between a skip and and a run and a bounce...saying "#3...I remember you...#3...#3!"  It was our girl from the morning and she actually remembered us!  Keep in mind that this was now 9 hours and who knows how many tourists later...she remembered us.  She had such a huge smile on her face that was very thankful that we came back to her. 

We sat and had a couple of nice cold Angkor beers and some chips and relaxed for a bit before going out to explore the temple.  As amazing as all of the temples in Siem Riep were I think the visual of our gal bouncing toward us will forever be one of things that really reminds me of the region. 



Friday, January 14, 2011

Phew!  I am glad it is Friday.  I'm not sure what the first two weeks of 2011 have been like for the rest of you but it has been crazy for me.  Crazy in a good way except for the nasty head cold that I am now (knock on wood) quite clear of.  Tonight I'm heading out to a movie (Gold Class, of course) with some friends and then have a quiet weekend planned before heading to Ho Chi Minh City on Sunday for a quick trip for work. 

I've got a handful of posts that I need to write up in order to catch-up on the past few weeks.  Look for those this weekend.


Quick turn

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The weekend in Bali was fabulous.  I wasn't sure if I was going to like it but had a really great time.  We celebrated...a lot...ate good food...laughed until our stomachs hurt...swam in our own personal pool...walked around...celebrated more...and relaxed.  Mostly it was just good to get away and spend some quality time with two people who have become good friends.

My flight home last night was not so much fun.  We were delayed by about 45 minutes which typically doesn't bother me but the scheduled departure time wasn't until 9:30 pm so this just pushed it later.  The flight itself was one of those loud...active...too much going on and too many kids sort of flights...and I all I wanted to do was get some sleep.  I made it home safely but then there was a 20 minute wait in the line to get a taxi...just wasn't my night for things to happen quickly.

I climbed in bed shortly after 2 am and woke up this morning about 7:30 am.  I've got to get to the office for some meetings and then get back home, pack, and head back to the airport for a trip to Beijing for work.  Did I happen to say ugh yet??? 

Oh...and while it is 30+ degrees Celsius in Bali it is forecasted for a high of 30 degrees Fahrenheit in Beijing...and all my winter clothes are in Durham.  This is going to be entertaining!