Fun with friends
Monday, May 4, 2009
I've been enjoying my time in Durham this past week. It's been a pretty crazy time thus far between the shopping and sorting and packing. It's only two days until the movers come and I still have a lot of work to do.
Last night we had a little get together at the house. Since we updated the house 2 years ago we enjoy having people over to the house. From my selfish perspective, it's great to get my friends all together in one spot so that I get to see more of them. It's always fun to have a group of people with some delicious food (thanks to Alan), great conversation, tasty drinks, and lots and lots of laughter. Last night we ended up pulling out the wii and had some pretty intense bowling competitions going on. I think everyone who was here last night will willingly tell you how awesome my bowling game is...awesomely bad that is. Let's just say that I am talented at many things but that bowling is one of those areas where it's best that I just admit it is not one of them. Sarah on the other hand is pretty dang good. Just check out the concentration here:We (meaning me) also had fun taking some self portraits. I thought I'd share some of these pics so you can see me having some fun with my friends. It's just such a great thing to come home and catch-up with your friends and not have to work at the relationship like you do when you're in the early stages of new friendships. Don't get me wrong, I've met a couple of great new friends in Singapore and am enjoying getting to know them. But I like the comfort of people who know you and your history. The ones you don't have to see or talk to that frequently but you get together and can just laugh and laugh and laugh...
Last night was one of those nights. Thanks to Alan, Rob, Sarah, Trey, Michael, Virginia, Paul, and Angela. I had a great time and appreciate you all heading over here to hang out. We'll have more get togethers on my future trips home so look forward to getting some more of the local friends over for some good food, conversation, laughter, and even some bad wii bowling.
We had a great time. I guess I will have to stop over to practice my Wii Bowling while you are gone.
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