Finally settled - photos included
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I finally have pictures on my walls (not all of them but the rooms I frequent the most) and a clean house. Since both of those factors were what I was waiting for to share pictures of my apartment I can now do so.
Enjoy your blog tour of my Singapore home...
Living Room:
View of living room sitting on the sofa:This is what I have named the 'cocktail couch' since it sits just outside the kitchen. You can sip cocktails while I am in the kitchen cooking.
View of dining room (table is folded up):Sewing room:
Spare bedroom (ready for guests - hint...hint...):
Master bedroom (2 views):
Balcony off of master bedroom (I still need to get some plants):
Kitchen (yes, I was in the process of making dinner - hence the mess):
This is very different than my NC home but I like it. As I'm sure I mentioned before it is in a great location which adds a lot to living here. I am just a short walk from everything I need and a bus ride away from the office.
It's a lot of space for one person - is that easy to afford in Singapore, or do you work for a great company?
Awesome place!
Nice digs! Continue to make it as comfortable as possible while you're there. Take care and be safe.
It looks Awesome! It looks cozy! Enjoy!
I love it! Just wish it were closer.....
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