Solar Eclipse, songs, and stuff
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Nope, I didn't get to see the solar exclipse today. However, a handful of us were communicating with team members in Taiwan and India and heard their reactions to it. I wish it would have been a bit further south because it would have been fun to experience. My only recollection of a solar eclipse was when I was still in college at Ferris. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time but now I wish I would have paid more attention.
On another note, I have been walking around all day singing "The Star Spangled Banner" in my head. I've not ever had this particular song stick in my head so it is a bit unusual. I am by no means complaining. I like to sing it and always do with my hand over my heart - especially at Hurricanes games. Speaking of which, for those of you Canes fans out there please know that I don't drag the ending out like a particular anthem singer does...
Lastly, I am having another great mail week so thanks to everyone. Yesterday I received a letter from my husband and I also received a card from my nephews (and brother and sister-in-law). My nephews made me a necklace and sent it over. It was such a nice surprise! I wore it to work today so here's a picture of it:I know it might be hard to see since it is backwards but it says Kate and has some really pretty beads. Thanks to Bram, Finn, and Jameson!
You look like you're "communicating" with them ... "you know...the bird?"
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