Sunday shopping

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Since I'm leaving tomorrow for two weeks I didn't take my weekly trip to Tekka Market for produce and chicken. Instead, I spent the morning packing up the few things that I have with me that make more sense to keep here versus lugging back to the US only to ship back to Singapore. Dropped those items at the apartment and headed up to Plaza Singapora.

My first stop was to a store similar to JoAnn Fabrics. They have quite a few craft items, sewing notions, yarn, and fabric. It's not the selection I'm used to but will do in a pinch. I'm glad to have found this because it's really the first store of it's kind I've seen in Singapore. My next stop was back to the $2 store. (Sorry Alan but I forgot my camera so I'll have to get pictures some other time.) I bought a random mix of items from a trash can to a dish towel. Just some things to have until the full shipment makes it over. The next stop was to the Best electronics store where I purchased an iron and hair dryer. Not too exciting since there were lots of TVs and DVD players but those will have to wait until the next trip. I wanted to get the hairdryer and iron so that I could look presentable when I get back. My last stop at Plaza Singapora was to the grocery store. Here I bought some essentials such as toilet paper, tissues, toilet bowl cleaner, hand soap, and dish soap.

***Okay - I have to interrupt this regularly scheduled blog for an update on the weather right now. There is a wicked thunderstorm going on right now and the thunder and lightening are literally right above me. I keep jumping out of my chair everytime it thunders.***

I dropped all of the new purchases off at the new apartment. I took a few minutes to read the tenant's manual for my building. Pretty standard children allowed to run amuck in the common major renovations without laundry may be hung from the balconies or windows (this may seem odd but when you come to visit you'll see that the second flag of Singapore is actually laundry...most people do not have dryers and just hang their items on a pole that they attach outside their windows...). I have a video and phone intercom system but I decided to wait until another day to figure that thing out.

My next stop and the highlight of my day was to the Singapore Post Office. I have to admit that in all of the time I've been here I haven't yet set foot into the post office. I had been waiting until I had my own return address to send any mail to anybody. Those of you who know me well know that I adore going to the post office and receiving mail in my very own mailbox. I cannot explain it but it gives me such joy to open my mailbox and receive letters. I also never put outgoing mail in our mailbox but instead drive it to the post office. I'm one of those nerds that will patiently wait in line to ship packages via post. with almost everything else in Singapore the post office here is wonderful. It's a brand new branch less than two blocks from my apartment. You walk in the door and there is a sign politely instructing you to push a button and you'll receive a number. You just sit down and wait until your number is called. I had a short 5 minute wait and yes...the post office here is open on Sundays! I mailed the letters (wonder who might be getting mail from me) and dropped them in the box outside.

The rest of my day will be spent packing and prepping for the long trip home tomorrow.


The Rakows in Indianapolis April 30, 2009 at 10:09 PM  

Let me know your new address and I'll send you mail!

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