Holy Smoke!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Or should I say holy smokers! The past couple of days I have been downwind of what appears to be every smoker in Singapore. Last night I counted and it was about a 1 to 3 ratio of smokers to non-smokers on the round trip walk to the grocery store.

I don't know if more people smoke here or if I just notice it because I walk most places instead of being in a car all of the time. Thankfully smoking is not allowed in buildings including restaurants. However, it can be quite a challenge to avoid getting burned while navigating through a sidewalk full of people.

The things that I take notice of now are interesting to me. It is funny how changing just one small thing such as walking instead of driving can change your perspective on things. I acknowledge that I have changed more than just one small thing by living in a different country and experiencing a different culture but I'm betting something like noticing the number of smokers wouldn't be much different if I were to walk down busy streets in the US.


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