City walking

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A new thing for me is being able to walk most places since I live in a city.  I think it is great to have things within walking distance and to not have to rely on a car to get around.  I especially like the fact that during peak traffic hours (which seems to be most times in Singapore) I am actually able to get places faster by walking instead of driving.  I will hop off of the bus a couple of stops before my normal stop if traffic is heavy.  And I now have made a game of it and am able to alter my pace in order to hit the little green walking man right when I come up on an intersection. 

This doesn't mean that there aren't some traffic slowdowns even when walking.  The traffic isn't automobile traffic but instead pedestrian.  In almost all cities in Asia that I have visited people tend to walk slowly.  Now, I know that I tend to walk on the fast side but this isn't just is more like the 100 meter mosey...or the pokey little puppy is painful.  The other thing that I have noticed is that many people here weave when walking.  I know that I don't since I pick a block of bricks and stay within that row the entire length of the sidewalk...not the case for most people.  And probably the most frustrating thing about walking in Asia is that people walk four or five across and don't want to give way to you.  I of course, stand my ground and don't move (since I am only one person across) and force one of the four or five to least a little.

Even with all of the frustrations and even when it is raining I enjoy the walk home each night.  (My walk to the bus stop in the morning is pretty short.)  I know when I go home in December I'll have fun zipping around in my car but I think I'll miss the ability to be able to walk most places.  Durham, NC just isn't a very pedestrian friendly city.


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