Completely different

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This weekend when I was riding around on the Taipei MRT there were often times that I was the only Westerner on the train or even in my general vicinity within the train station.  I have found myself in the same situation a lot over the past few months. 

When I used to travel a lot to Europe and South America I would always try and blend in and not appear too American.  I'm not ashamed to be an American but we have a pretty horrible reputation as travelers in quite a few countries around the world.  I actually had one of these annoying Americans on my tour on Sunday morning.  Very loud, quite rude, and always the last one so he kept all of the rest of us waiting. 

It's funny how I think I probably stood out more in Europe than I do here...actually, I know that I stand out here since I look completely different but I am less uncomfortable about it here.  Maybe it is because there is absolutely no way for me to blend in when I am in Asia since I look completely different.  Maybe it is because I have now traveled so much on my own that I am just more comfortable being in situations that would have previously made me uncomfortable.  It is most likely a combination of the well as getting older.  Regardless of what has made me less uncomfortable I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to have this experience and travel to these places that are so completely different to me and where I am so completely different to them.

Am currently sitting in the airport heading back to Singapore this evening.  I had two days of great meetings in our Taipei office.  Am home for a few hours tomorrow and then will be flying out to Kuala Lumpur.


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