Office workers

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So, yesterday I walked into my office (keep in mind it was Monday morning) and got halfway in and heard and felt a squish.  I then realized that half the carpet in my office was a darker shade than the other.  Apparently they decided to carpet over the top of a floor drain.  My first thought when finding the drain was...ick...where did this come from?  Upon further investigation I confirmed it was not a sewage drain but is instead a water runoff drain from the roof.  Why it is in my office I have no earthly idea...but...when we got all of the rain on Saturday (see prior post) it couldn't handle it and overflowed onto my office floor.

The building guys were great about it and agreed to replace the carpet right away.  So, this morning I was in the middle of a meeting with a staff member and they just walked in and started pulling up the old carpet and putting down the new stuff.  By in the middle of a meeting I mean she was sitting there in the office with me.

We also have cleaning crews in the office to empty the trash and wipe down windows and doors and do normal cleaning things.  For some reason in Singapore this does not happen after hours but happens throughout the day.  You'll be sitting there on a teleconference and suddenly hear the vacuum.  Or like today, I was on a teleconference and in walked the cleaning lady to empty the trash.  She then proceeded (all while I was still on the phone) to clean my window and my door.

Don't get me wrong, I totally appreciate all that they do to keep the office clean but it is a bit strange to have these things going on in the middle of the day.  Or is it...does everybody outside of the US have their cleaning crews clean throughout the day?


Rob November 9, 2009 at 10:27 PM  

That's happening moe & more here to - before I left my previous job the bulk of the cleaning was done during the day except for emptying trash (that started @ 1700hrs) & vacuuming certain high-profile areas. Our reason - lower salaries for day workers & lower theft reports.

But still annoying to be in conference & have the vacuum start up outside the door...

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