24 days

Saturday, April 10, 2010

HEY...YOU....GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Did anybody else watch Electric Company on PBS when you were kids?)

Are you guys still out there?   

**Imagine my face trying to peer into your computer to see if you are anywhere nearby.  BONK!  And that was my face getting too close...and yes, while this is purely a hypothetical for dramatic effect...I would totally bonk my head if I were to really try it.  It'd be on youtube and I'd end up on Tosh.O (great show by the way) and would be totally humiliated...**   

Will you continue to read my blog?  

Even though I have abandoned you for the past 24 days?

Even though I'm trying to peer into your computer to see where you are?...which I acknowledge is nerdy, creepy, and impossible all in one!

So, I've been MIA for a bit...duh...I just addressed that.  I've been busy taking care of some personal things which are going well and phase 1 is almost over...can I get a woohoo?  But...I've also been busy doing other things.  I'm not going to go into great detail today because I may actually blog about some of these.  Yes...I'm going to try to start blogging more regularly.  I'm hoping the thud I just heard was not one of you falling off your chair.

Here are a few of things I've been up to lately:
  • Spring Cleaning...a lot of it...
  • Trying not to turn yellow
  • Responding to new pen pals...22 of them
  • Watching the Duke Blue Devils win their 4th National Championship
  • Walking...mainly around my neighborhood
  • Cooking...yes, that collective thud was from all of you dropping to the floor at once, I know.
So that is what I've been busy with lately.  You should see me around here a bit more frequently...or at least I'll try.

What have you guys been up to?


Unknown April 10, 2010 at 7:08 AM  

THERE you are!!! I thought you got lost in the internets!!!

Let's see, what have I been up to? Well, suffice it to say you already know and that I've loved every minute of it.

Brad,  April 10, 2010 at 8:53 AM  

Yay, the blog is back!!!! I enjoy reading your blogs. WooHoo to the phase 1 almost over!

What have I been up to? Working too much and socializing too little. I need to go back to a happy balance. I'm so looking forward to this pollen event to cease so I can clean the screened porch (again) and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Looking forward to future blogs!!

Paul Neal April 10, 2010 at 11:35 PM  

Yes, we are here. We would not abandaon you!!

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