A lesson in not letting Kate get too bored

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I have learned over the past couple of months that I do not sit still well.  I think that I have always known that but it has now been officially confirmed. 

When things get a little crazy with work I long for a couple of days of nothingness...which in my head is me sitting around doing absolutely nothing but reading a book or watching television...but that almost rarely ever happens.  Honestly, I think the only time I manage to have some nothingness time is when I'm on an airplane and am pretty much forced into it.

So, these past few months gave me quite a bit of down time.  I prepared and had tons of DVDs, books, etc.  Very early on I realized that the DVDs and books weren't going to keep me occupied.  So, instead, one day I decided to sweep the office floor.  After having swept it I realized it could really use some polish so decided to do that too.  I glanced down the hallway and figured I should do that too.  The next thing I know the entire house is turned upside down so that I could sweep and polish the hardwood floors.  If you doubt me just ask my friend Ronnie who happened to stop by in the midst of Kate's floor cleaning incident of 2010.

When I finished with the floors they looked so nice I decided to do a little dusting and general cleaning.  That just didn't seem like enough...I was bored and there is only so much daytime television that one can tolerate.  And let me just say that I could go on for a really long time about the quality of daytime television...and do not even get me started on the misery of daytime television commercials...ugh!

Back to the cleaning...the floors and dusting just didn't seem like enough...I was bored...we have lots of closets...you see where this going.  They are all clean now.  Things have been taken to the local charity.  Other things have been recycled.  Some things were just put in the trash.  All of the closets are clean & organized...so is the refrigerator...and the filing cabinet...and the dresser drawers...spring cleaning is complete!

I'm back at work now which is a good thing because I have run out of things to clean.  Do you think the flight attendants would be upset with me if I started cleaning and organizing the galley mid-flight?


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