Was it me?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like everybody is looking at you funny?

Today was one of those days for me.

It started on my way to work.  When I was waiting for my bus I got a funny look for letting the #14 drive by and waiting to take the one that came two minutes later.  I'll own this one...the first #14 that came by was a single-decker bus and it was slam full.  I knew that another was right behind it so opted to wait.  It made for a more comfortable ride.

I was in my usual spot upstairs reading and minding my own business.  About halfway through my ride to work the guy in front of me moved one row forward.  This is a normal occurrence if the bus is full and a row opens up...not the case this morning...the bus was maybe a third full.  I immediately thought...hmm...did he just move because of me?  I realize that the world isn't all about me but it was just one of those moments...and now here is what went through my mind next...

Did I remember to shower this morning?  my hair was still wet so...yep

Do I smell bad?  I totally did the sniff myself move and confirmed I did not 

Am I making weird noises that I am unaware of?  I sat for a moment and confirmed I was sitting quietly.

Did I remember to get dressed?  A quick visual confirmed this.

Am I wearing perfume that might be annoying him?  nope, just soap and shampoo smell

Was I kicking the back of his seat?  nope, actually, my legs were both stretched out under the seat in front of me...holy cow...I am totally slouching...I should sit up straight  **sits up straight**
Does somebody else smell bad?  **sniff**sniff** nope, don't smell anything or anybody

Was it because of my feet?  I knew I should have gone to get that pedicure last night...he probably moved because I am in desperate need of some fresh toenail polish

Maybe this has nothing to do with me...should I ask him?  um...no, that would be silly...if it really was because of me he probably wouldn't tell me anyway...would I tell somebody if they asked me...hmm...am not sure...here is my stop...

Yes, that is how my mind works...a little odd...but oh well.  When I got to work I even asked a friend if I smelled and she confirmed that I did not...for the record, she would totally tell me if I did.

Okay, after all of that I am finally getting to the point of this blog post.  So, if I were in the US I likely would not have had this interaction because I would have been in a car and not a bus.  I may have had a funny look in the coffee shop or when I stopped to get gas but I wouldn't have had the time to sit on the bus and stew about it for a bit.   

I should confess that I myself have moved seats on the bus.  I have moved because a row opened up, somebody near sounded completely ill, and because of bad smells.  Thankfully these things do not happen that often.

Have you ever had one of these days?


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