Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! 

So, two years ago I was in Rishikesh, India and woke up to news about the Mumbai bombings.  We then went out whitewater rafting on the Ganges River later that day.  One year ago I was at work in our Bangkok, Thailand office wishing I could get my hands on a proper Thanksgiving meal.  This year, I am sitting at my home in Singapore enjoying a cup of coffee and waiting to start the day wandering around with two friends visiting from the US.

I was in the office yesterday and a local asked me why we celebrate Thanksgiving.  She said she had always assumed it was a religious holiday.  I told her it was not and explained the story of pilgrims and the indians and how Thanksgiving came to be.  I always seem to be the one asking the questions so it was a nice change to be able to explain something to somebody else.

Here are a few of the many things that I am thankful for...
  • a wonderful husband
  • amazing family
  • friends that are more like family than just friends
  • cuddly kitties
  • good food
  • health
  • the opportunity to travel
  • receiving fun packages in the mail (thanks to my brother for the cool turkey pictured above)
  • my job
  • a good cup of coffee
  • my magnificent mom
  • the ability to video chat with people so we are almost in the same room
  • hair
  • laughter
  • living (okay, even if it is part-time) in an amazing city like Durham
  • experiencing something new on a pretty regular basis
  • airplanes...imagine how long it would take me to get home if I had to go on a ship
  • access to great healthcare at Duke
  • reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones
  • learning that it is worthwhile to have a camera in my bag at all times
  • reading good books (and even some not so good ones)
  • American soldiers both past and present
  • the kindness of strangers (who have now luckily become friends)
  • knowing that Alan will be here in just over two weeks
I am also thankful for all of you who read my blog and stay connected with me even though you are half a world away. 

What are you thankful for?


Brad Golden,  November 25, 2010 at 9:18 AM  

I'm thankful for many things... too many to list. But, probably the thing I'm most thankful for is being alive at this moment... to be able to read about what others are thankful for and to reflect how many of those same things I'm thankful for as well.

Thanks for all the great blog postings Kate! Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown November 25, 2010 at 10:24 AM  

I'm thankful for having to pause before answering your question, because I have so many answers that leap to mind. Right now, this minute, I'm thankful for the dog in my lap and the laptop that keeps me connected to my far-flung friends...present company included. And I'm really really thankful for the great healthcare you received at Duke.

Margo December 1, 2010 at 2:35 AM  

Well, per usual, I ended up on the blog a bit late. Better late than never or we could say, fashionably late. Either way I'm thankful to be reading the blog. Mostly, I am thankful for the amazing, fabulous people in my life. (including you!)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Paul Neal December 3, 2010 at 9:15 AM  

Well, of course my wife, she is awesome! Some family, my job, hockey. Great friends like you and Al to hang out with, talk to, and learn from.

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