What were their names?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I never know quite what I'm going to run across when I'm walking around Singapore.  I'm usually pretty busy dodging people so don't always look around at my surroundings.

On my usual walk home yesterday a big part of the sidewalk was taped off with "Works Ahead" signs notifying me well in advance.  Not really paying attention...I just kept walking and scoped out my route through the now narrow path on the sidewalk.  It wasn't until I got right up on the tape and the signs that I saw it...

A larger than life replica of a reindeer...slightly out of place on a sidewalk in front of the grocery store in Singapore. 

Not a cute and cartoon-y Rudolph the Reindeer way but an actual real looking reindeer...the kind you might find at the Natural History Museum.  There were a number of them...and each of them had a small Asian man hugging it around the neck and another hugging it around the backside trying to position them in the display...just so.

I think I may have actually stopped for a moment to watch these guys.  I was enthralled with the likeness of the reindeer and the determination of the guys trying to move them.  Would they actually hug them like that if they were alive?  Won't the reindeer be a bit hot in the Singapore sun and humidity?  It is only November 1st, why on earth are there already Christmas decorations out?

I had to laugh out loud as I walked away.  It was just too funny of a sight.  The rest of my walk home I kept trying to remember all of the names of Santa's reindeer.

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen...


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