A package with a purpose

Friday, November 12, 2010

So, yesterday (still today for all of you) was Veterans Day.  Obviously it is a day that is set aside to remember and honor those who have and who are serving in the US military...something that we should do more often than just one day a year.

Living overseas and visiting many non-democratic countries has given me a different perspective on freedom.  I, like many, take it for granted on a day-to-day basis.  Simple things like freedom of press is very noticeable when it is hard to find a newspaper in Asia that is not government controlled.  As ridiculous as the US media can be, they still have the right and the ability to say and print and show whatever they want.  And more importantly, we as citizens have the right to watch and say and read whatever the heck we want.

I encourage all of you to give back to the active military personnel who are currently serving overseas.  If you need an idea of what to do go check out the Any Given Soldier website.  It is a website where soldiers sign up and indicate what sorts of things they want and need while serving overseas.  They ask for simple things like baby wipes, socks, beef jerky, old magazines, stationary, etc.  These are all things that are relatively inexpensive to buy and place in a package to ship to them.

Yep...you can even have fun at the post office while doing this good deed.  It is a win-win situation!!!

You basically choose a soldier, find out what they need, drop it in a package at the post office, and in 7-10 days they will have something.  I think it is especially great for the soldiers who do not have a strong support system and may not be getting regular mail.

So, what are you still reading this for?  Get up and throw that pile of books you were donating to charity in a box and head to the post office...or run to Target...oh how I miss Target...and buy 3 things off one their wish lists...or...just write a couple of great letters and send them.


Paul Neal December 3, 2010 at 9:00 AM  

I don't know if you know this, but Angie just sent a package overseas to some military folks. I am guessing she got the idea from your blog. Keep up the great ideas and inspiration.

Kate December 3, 2010 at 7:23 PM  

I did know that and think it is awesome...just like Angie.

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