
Saturday, May 15, 2010

No, not you...all of the people on their mobile phones in Singapore. 

This past week I have noticed just how many people here are talking on their mobile phones.  While they are walking down the road.  While they are driving.  While they are waiting for the bus.  While they are sitting next to you on the bus.  While they are standing in line at the grocery store.  All. The. TIME!

Sheesh!  I have no earthly idea what all of these people are talking about.  Nor do I know what is so urgent about all of these conversations. 

Do all of you remember the time before mobile phones?  What did we all do back then?  How did we survive? 

I am not a phone talker.  It just isn't my thing.  Ask is a really good thing that we have a video chat capability these days or it'd be tough to be on two separate continents.  I am certainly not much of a mobile phone talker.  For me, it is primarily used for text messaging (which I adore) and quick phone calls or urgent phone calls.  I can't ever imagine sitting on a bus speaking on the phone with somebody for the rest of the bus to hear.

What do you think everybody is talking about that is so important?


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