Stair un-master

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nope, not a blog post about the gym...

I love to ride on the upper deck of the bus.  You can see a lot more and there are always more seats available upstairs.  There also seem to be less people rambling on and talking on their phones.  I'm not sure why...but that does seem to be the case.  These are all perks.

Trying to walk down the stairs as the bus is about to reach your stop is not a perk.  It is next to impossible to do in any sort of graceful manner.  Try doing it in heels and while carrying a couple of bags and it is truly shocking I have not gone tumbling down them.  Heck, I've almost wiped out in comfortable flats without anything in my hands.

There does seem to be some comfort in seeing that this is an issue for everyone.  It is sort of like slipping on ice in the happens to most everybody and we all look equally silly when it happens.

Let's hope we never find out what happens if I take a tumble.


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